Saturday, July 16, 2005

Three Summit Riders Precede the Tour de France

The Tour de France Challenge (TDFC) is a charity tour that stays a day ahead of the actual Tour de France. Consisting of eight riders, the tour follows the entire Tour de France course just a day ahead of Lance Armstrong and the rest of the world's best cyclists.

Three of the riders are from Summit county - Travis Lukens, Tim Assor and Nick Farkouh.

The TDFC peloton rides in uniforms and on state-of-the-art bikes and they stick together during each day's ride just like a professional team, as support vehicles follow close behind.

How the Summit trio became involved begins with Kevin Mahaney, a real estate developer from Portland, Maine. He first had the idea of riding the Tour de France and broached the plan to Massachusetts cycling tour outfitter, Destination Cycling. He volunteered to cover whatever expenses the trip required.

Joe Tonon, founder of Destination cycling, took it from there. He contacted Lukens, a Breckenridge resident who had taken a tour with Destination cycling a few years ago and here we are with three Summit riders in France, following the same route the Tour de France does.

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