Thursday, June 04, 2020

Summit Realtors pledge to perform safe showings

My Chateaux Listing
The Summit Realtors (of which I am a member) has provided its members with a “Safe Showing Pledge” to encourage local Realtors to prevent the spread of the novel coronavirus. 
The association’s board president, Dana Cottrell, announced the pledge in a video message Tuesday. 
“What better way to be good stewards of our community and our economy than by showing safely and telling everybody about how we do that,” she said in the video.  
The pledge is a series of 12 statements that encompass the social distancing and coronavirus prevention guidelines outlined by the Summit County Public Health Department. Some of the statements in the pledge include:

  • “I will adhere to all local social distancing guidelines.”
  • “I will maintain a detailed log of my clients for every showing.”
  • “I will limit showings to decision-makers and encourage buyers to look at homes by doing virtual tours and online resources.”
The rest of the pledge is on the association’s website. Cottrell ended the video by encouraging local Realtors to post videos of themselves taking the pledge.