Saturday, June 06, 2020

Summit County releases new public health order, maintains mask requirement

Summit County released its amended public health order Friday in response to Gov. Jared Polis’ latest safer-at-home executive order.
Polis signed the order Monday, June 1, encouraging people to social distance in their homes and outdoors. The signed order also allowed for short-term rentals to reopen. 
The county’s order follows the lead of the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment, which finalized its amended safer-at-home order Thursday, June 4. The state’s order opens up most businesses, except for bars, casinos and theaters. It also gives new guidance on personal recreation, outdoor recreation and houses of worship.  
The county’s order closely follows state recommendations with minor exceptions. Summit County’s order requires that everyone wear a mask or face covering when in a building open to the public or when they are outside and a 6-foot distance from other people isn’t possible. 

Under the state order, people are “urged” to wear face coverings in public, but it is not a requirement. However, Polis has extended his mask mandate, requiring all essential workers to wear them, through mid-June. 
“We think it makes a lot of sense, and it just further helps protect people,” Summit County Commissioner Elisabeth Lawrence said about the mask rule. “Especially in Summit County, where we’re so welcoming to tourists.”
Recent modeling data from the state health department shows that wearing masks can greatly reduce the spread of the virus and keep case numbers low.