Sunday, June 18, 2023

Breckenridge HOA unveils new mini-golf course near downtown

 #breckenridge #colorado #realestate

Robert Tann/Summit Daily News

Years after a Breckenridge homeowners association partnered with Vail Resorts to refurbish the plaza at the base of Peak 9, the organization has used remaining funds from the project to install a mini-golf course. 

“Ultimately, the goal was just to get some foot traffic back to the village,” said Village at Breckenridge HOA member Michelle Tuxhorn. “This benefited not only the commercial businesses, but it also benefits our residents and our guests while they’re here on property.” 

Positioned outside businesses including Rocket Fizz and Gyro Delish, the nine-hole course is collapsible, allowing it to be stored during special events in the plaza or throughout snowy months. 

The course is also free, with at least a dozen clubs available at Rocket Fizz. The store’s manager, Nicole Ransberger, said it offers another fun option for families stopping by for a sweet treat. 

“I hope it brings us a lot more business,” Ransberger said. “It’s fun. You don’t necessarily need skills, and a group of people can do it, not just an individual.” 

Tuxhorn said she hopes the site can remain long-term and continue to offer another anchor point for the town. 

“It feels exciting, it’s interesting to be able to provide one other little fun destination for people in town,” she said.

Courtesy of the Summit Daily News.