Saturday, February 25, 2023

Split council vote approves funding mechanism for developers pitching ‘ginormous’ redevelopment of Dillon’s town core

 #breckenridge #colorado #realestate

A developer proposing a redevelopment plan in Dillon’s town core has received approval to begin the process of establishing metropolitan districts to help fund a project called Triveni Square.

Several residents raised concerns, such as the potential scale of the project proposed by JGJP Dillon, LLC, but the Dillon Town Council voted 5-2 on Tuesday, Feb. 21, to establish a service plan allowing the metropolitan districts to be organized.

Council members who voted in favor of the service plan said the approval does not greenlight the proposed project and is only a “first step” in establishing a mechanism that could help fund redevelopment. 

Mayor Carolyn Skowyra and council member Kyle Hendricks voted against the service plan, raising concerns that the proposed project is too big and does not mesh with the town’s goals to increase workforce housing and available parking.

Jake Porritt, the developer, told the council that once a service plan is approved, the development team can begin negotiations with the town to work out what the project will look like, its scale and what it includes.

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