Saturday, October 01, 2022

Short-term rental cap in Frisco passes on first reading

 #frisco #colorado #coloradorealtor

Frisco Town Council voted to approve the first reading of a short-term rental regulation in the town. 

The ordinance would cap licenses at 25% of the residential housing stock, allowing a maximum of 900 licenses in Frisco. Property owners that already have licenses would not be affected, and Frisco reports that about 22% of the current housing stock has a license. As of Sept. 26, that is 805 licenses.

The ordinance includes an exemption for properties that are under construction or under contract before Oct. 11, and it includes exemptions to allow an active license to transfer under certain circumstances.

Kate Marrone, who owns property in Frisco, said that she believes there should not be any limits on short-term licensing in town and that restrictions take away the rights of property owners. Marrone said that she does not believe that short-term rentals negatively affect local workforce housing because they are two different kinds of properties.

For the complete story click here