Thursday, January 28, 2021

Breckenridge Grand Vacations prepares plans for residential units, parking structure on North Gondola and Gold Rush lots



Plans are in the works for Breckenridge Grand Vacations to build residential units and a parking structure on Breckenridge’s North Gondola Lot, North Gold Rush Lot and South Gold Rush Lot.

While the development proposal has not yet been submitted to the town of Breckenridge, Breckenridge Grand Vacations can build 143 single-family equivalent units per town code, which also requires the developer to provide a certain amount of parking and workforce housing units along with the development.

How that 143 single-family equivalent figure translates in units depends on the type of units built, Breckenridge Community Development Director Mark Truckey explained. If the developer wanted to build condominiums, for example, one single-family equivalent would equal 1,200 square feet of condo space.

In addition to displacing existing parking, the housing development would also drive additional parking demand, Truckey said, requiring that appropriate parking be built in connection with the project.

Truckey said there have been conversations about building a parking structure on the South Gold Rush Lot. Breckenridge Grand Vacations is under contract to purchase the three lots from Vail Resorts, company CEO and co-owner Mike Dudick said.