Monday, August 31, 2020

Breckenridge Town Council concerned with proposed 284-unit neighborhood


A proposal for a new neighborhood containing 284 units in the northern portion of Breckenridge did not sit well with Breckenridge Town Council as members had numerous concerns about the plan. The proposal, which was presented to council by Tom Begley on behalf of the applicant, Miller Property, asked for an increase in density to the development, which is planned to combine deed-restricted, market-rate and lowered AMI-rate units. 

Specifically, the proposal refers to an existing annexation agreement for a total of 162 units for a development area between Stan Miller Drive and the Blue River, north of the Alta Verde housing project. The proposed project includes 86 market-rate units and 198 deed-restricted units, which are rental apartments and proposed to be averaged at 100% area median income levels — although staff noted that the applicant had indicated that they are open to working with the town to reduce this to 80%. 

According to a memo to council from Nichole Rex and Laurie Best, housing planners and managers for the town, the applicant is open to prohibiting short-term rentals in 44 single-family residential units of the 86 market-rate units and providing deed-restricted accessory dwelling units on these 44 homes. The proposal also included buildings with commercial space on the bottom floor and residential space above.

Council members were concerned about the demographic mix, as theoretically all of the market-rate homes could be owned by second-home owners rather than locals. The structure of the neighborhood places duplex homes along the river where short-term rentals are allowed, single-family homes clustered behind the duplex homes and the apartment buildings and mixed-use space on the edges of the development.