Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Top 14 ways to get involved in Summit County this week

#Summit County, Colorado.

This week with the FDRD
Dig Dirt and Carry Logs with Friends of the Dillon Ranger District. A variety of ways to give back to the forest this week. Volunteers will be tackling Bakers Tank Trail in Breckenridge on Tuesday and Wednesday starting at 9 a.m. The Twilight project will also take place on Tuesday at Peak’s Trail in Breckenridge at 5:30 p.m. Frisco’s concert in the park, featuring Birds of Chicago, will be benefitting FDRD Thursday at 5:30 p.m. On Friday at 9:30 a.m. start restoring Soda Creek Trail in Keystone. Then on Saturday, head to the iconic Fourteener – Quandary Peak south of Breckenridge. For more information and to register visit www.fdrd.org.
John Denver tribut concert and benefit
An amazing night of music at the Riverwalk Center on Friday, July 25 at 7:30 p.m. with this sixth annual tribute to Colorado’s music legend, John Denver. Sing along with Rocky Mountain High, Annie’s Song, Calypso and more. As a celebration of Colorado, four of John Denver’s songs will be complemented with over 200 of John Fielder’s amazing Colorado photographs projected on the Riverwalk’s new 25 foot screen. The concert will benefit Domus Pacis Family Respite’s mission of providing week long respites in Summit County’s High Country for families impacted by cancer. Costs of tickets are $25 for general admission and $45 for VIP seating. Tickets can be purchased at the Riverwalk Center or on-line through the Riverwalk Center website.
Rummage sale for Cystic Fibrosis
Over 40 families have contributed items to this Rummage Sale. 100% of profits from the sale will go to support the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation. Come to the Dillon Community Church from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. on July 17, 18 & 19.
Summit in Honduras Craft and Bake Sale
The 7th Annual Summit in Honduras Craft and Bake Sale will take place on Saturday July 26 from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. and Sunday July 27 from 8 a.m. to Noon. Fresh artisan bread and many baked goodies along with beautiful jewelry from Maggie Connolly a Boulder artist and much more. This event has become one of the most important fundraisers for Summit in Honduras. To donate baked goods please bring your donations to the back of the little yellow church at the corner of French and Lincoln (St. John’s), the Parish Hall Saturday after 10 a.m., or Sunday morning. Please call (970) 389-7544 for more information.
LAPS 24th Annual K9-4K
The 24th Annual LAPS Canine 4K will be held in Frisco on Saturday, August 2 with Pet Supply Vendors galore, prizes for top finishers in the run/walk race and a Silent Auction with loads of items and gift certificates. The 2.5 mile course will loop around Frisco, starting & ending in front of the Frisco gazebo on Main Street. Registration runs from 8-9 a.m. with race start at 9:15 a.m. Preregister for a discount and fast check in on race day (download registration form or get more info & photos from www.summmitlaps.com ). Preregistration must be received by Saturday July 26 for discount. Fees are per dog so bring the family. LAPS members: $22 (or $27 after July 26 & race day); Nonmembers: $25 (or $30 after July 26 & race day). Cash or check only on race day, but you can pay with a credit card on the website through the end of July. All proceeds benefit local pets & their people through financial aid from LAPS. You’ll receive a doggie goodie bag, custom t-shirt and other surprises per entry and be eligible for Door Prizes. Free Abbey’s coffee, donuts, and lemonade. Silent Auction will include large & small items. LAPS needs plenty of volunteers from 7:15 a.m. to Noon to help set up, be dog handlers for registration, work the registration tables, hand out shirts and goodie bags, work at the Silent Auction or be race marshals.......please email LAPS@colorado.net
Volunteers Needed for the Breck 100
High Country Conservation Center is looking for volunteers for the Breck 100 Mountain Bike Race on Saturday, July 12. A number of volunteers are needed to fill various race duties. In exchange for your time, each volunteer will receive an awesome T-shirt, free beer, and a meal after the race. In addition, a contribution will be made to the HC3’s community gardens. Email jenny@highcountryconservation.org or call (970) 668-5703 to learn more or sign up.
Summit County 4-H Horse Program
Summit County 4-H needs an adult horse volunteer leader at the Breckenridge Equestrian Center. If you have equine experience and like helping kids learn more about horses, we’re looking for you. 4-H Leaders are covered by liability as a bona-fide CSU volunteer. Western and/or English disciplines needed. A group of kids are boarding their horses at the Breck Equestrian Center that would benefit from learning with an adult 4-H Leader. Contact Summit County 4-H to discuss your interests 668-4142 or kkralik@co.summit.co.us
Noxious Weeds Workshop
Landowners are invited to attend a community workshop on the importance of weed control in maintaining the integrity, function and aesthetics of private land, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., Thursday, July 17, at the Slate Creek Community Center. The workshop will include expert presentations on noxious weed identification, weed impacts, methods of control and equipment selection, as well as field instruction on control applications, safety, disposal and follow-up. The workshop is sponsored by Summit County government, Middle Park Conservation District, Friends of the Lower Blue and Summit County CSU Extension. RSVP by July 1 to Middle Park Conservation District, (970) 724-3456 or middleparkcd@gmail.com. The cost is $10 and includes lunch.
Father Dyer Church needs ‘treasures’
Father Dyer Church in Breckenridge seeks donations of household items for its annual Treasure Sale to be held July 19. Drop off your gently used items at the church from July 16-18 from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. No adult clothing, mattresses, or electronics accepted, please. Come back on July 19 from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. to purchase other people’s treasures. Proceeds benefit Father Dyer’s Special Assistance Fund which helped over 100 people last year. For more information or if you have large items that need to be picked up that week, contact the church office at info@fatherdyer.org or (970) 453-2250.
Free chipping program helps residents protect homes from wildfire
Summit County government and the Summit County Wildfire Council are helping residents and property owners create defensible space by providing free chipping and disposal of branches, logs and small trees. Residents can clear woody vegetation from around their homes and stack it in slash piles near the road on their neighborhood’s designated chipping week; crews will chip the material and haul it away at no cost. Chipping crews will move through the Upper Blue and Tenmile basins in July and through the Snake River and Lower Blue basins in August. For more information, including a detailed schedule by neighborhood, visit www.co.summit.co.us/chippingprogram or call (970) 668-4140.
Leadership & Sustainability with horses
This is an exciting class for kids (7- 17 years) with a focus on leadership development and sustainability practices while partnering with all of the animals including 35 horses. It is a 4-5 hour class with an introduction to animal communication, energetic communication, herd behavior, round pen demonstrations and more. The kids learn how to successfully partner with the animals while leading, feeding, and playing games with them. Fee: $75 per child. These classes are scheduled by reservation only – most weekdays and Saturday. Call John Longhill at (970) 468-0924 or email swancenter@mindspring.com
Animal Communication class
This fun class introduces “younglings” (kids 4-8 years old) to the basics of animal communication and how to have better relationships with animals. It is a two-hour class including an introduction to Swan Center Outreach and animals, with hands on interactions with some of the special critters, like Eeyore (miniature donkey), Minnie Whinnie the Poo (miniature horse) along with goats, sheep, llama’s and Swan Center’s No. 1 Alpaca – Macho Pichu. Fee: $25 per child. These classes are scheduled by reservation only, most weekdays and Saturday. Call John Longhill at (970) 468-0924 or email swancenter@mindspring.com
Summit Historical Society needs volunteers
The Summit Historical Society, an all-volunteer organization, needs people to help with the many activities scheduled for the summer months. Do you like talking to visitors about Summit County’s exciting history? Become a trained docent leading tours through the Schoolhouse Museum on LaBonte Street in Dillon. Are you handy with tools and a paint brush? Historic sites always need minor repairs. Do you like to prepare desserts? Become part of the group providing goodies for Monday evening Pastry and the Past series of talks held at the Dillon Community Church. Do you like working with historical artifacts, photographs and maps? The Society maintains an extensive archive staffed by volunteers. Extra hands are always welcome. There are many other ways to help such as setting up and taking down the tent at the Dillon Farmer’s Market on Fridays. Anyone who wants to become more involved in the Society by serving on a committee or becoming board members is also welcome. If you are interested in joining a vibrant, active group of individuals, call the Society office at (970) 468-2207 and speak to administrator, Christy Nelson, or contact her at mail@summithistorical.org.
Backstage Theatre needs volunteers
Breckenridge Backstage Theatre welcomes volunteers. As the season changes and delightful thoughts of bikes and hikes emerge, why not also consider joining the enthusiastic live theater supporters who assist in productions? The summertime shows promise to bring smiles, laughter, and an awakening of the creative within. For more information , please contact nanageralyn@gmail.com.
Courtesy of the Summit Daily News.