Friday, July 04, 2014

Budweiser Clydesdales stride down Breckenridge Main Street

#Breckenridge, Colorado.

Brandon Evans /

When a four-legged, 2,300-pound animal thundered down the sidewalks of Main Street in Breckenridge Wednesday morning, people didn’t run away from the behemoth — they flocked to it.
Children, even though they were oblivious to the animal’s history, were especially impressed with Manson, a massive Clydesdale.
“When prohibition ended in 1933, the first barrel of Budweiser was delivered to the White House by Clydesdales,” said Glenn Johnson, an employee with Budweiser. “Ever since these horses have been associated with Budweiser.”
Budweiser brought 10 of the legendary horses from their posh stables in Fort Collins to take part in the Breckenridge Fourth of July parade scheduled to start 9:30 a.m. Friday. Visitors can see the horses up close at their temporary stables from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. daily through July 6 at the Wellington and Sawmill lots just off Main Street.
Throughout the week the horses made stops at local bars and restaurants in town, Johnson said. Just like they once did historically.
“We used to use horse and buggy to deliver our beer to customers,” Johnson said. “And these were the breed that we always used.”
It’s the first time the Clydesdales have stopped in Breckenridge in four years.
“We’re happy to be up here,” Johnson said. “This is a great weekend to be outside and enjoy a Budweiser, responsibly.”
Courtesy of the Summit Daily News.