#Breckenridge, Colorado.
Summit Fat Tire Society / Special to the Daily |
The town of Breckenridge Open Space and Trails Division will host a trails open house and public information session today, May 19, at 6 p.m. at the Breckenridge Recreation Center to showcase upcoming trail work plans approved by the U.S. Forest Service.
“I’m really excited. Our trail system gets better every year,” town open space and trails planner Scott Reid said. Plans include “critical” trail extensions and new trails that have been in the works for a number of years, he said. The meeting is also an opportunity for community members to find out about volunteer opportunities for a number of summer projects.
Approved projects include a total of 2.2 miles of trail realignments and 6.6 miles of new trails. Trail maintenance and construction work is expected to get underway this summer as part of a two- to three-year plan.
“It’s important because it gets the word out to the community,” Reid said of the open house. “It gives the public some excitement about the projects we will be working on. We want to show people maps and explain what we’re working on.”
Breckenridge Open Space Advisory Commission members, town of Breckenridge staff, and U.S. Forest Service officials will present information about the extensive list of trail projects and will be on hand for a meet-and-greet following the presentation.
Reid said it’s also important to remind the community to be cautious with early-season trail use, which can be potentially damaging to area trails. Speakers are expected to present on that topic as well.
“We’d rather be working on new trails than doing maintenance,” Reid said.
He suggested checking the town of Breckenridge website for information on open trails and conditions.
Should a rider come across a muddy spot, he said, “go through it — don’t go around it.” Going around muddy sections damages trails by widening them.
The regularly scheduled open space commission meeting will be held following the 6 p.m. open house session.
Trail-condition updates and volunteer opportunity information are available on the town of Breckenridge Open Space website, www.breckenridgetrails.org, the Friends of Breckenridge Trails Facebook page and on Twitter .
Courtesy of the Summit Daily News.