Friday, August 11, 2023

You’ll no longer find plastic water bottles for sale in Frisco starting in July 2024

 #frisco #realestate #colorado

Starting next year, those who want to purchase bottled water will not find it sold in plastic bottles on the shelves of Frisco stores and those who purchase takeout food in town will not get it in containers made of polystyrene.

With a stated goal of reducing plastic waste, these provisions are all part of an ordinance the Frisco Town Council unanimously approved on second reading Tuesday, Aug. 8. The bans in the ordinance are set to take effect in 2024. 

“I had lunch at a local restaurant — it was not a Frisco restaurant — and they served my lunch in a Styrofoam clamshell, they included plastic silverware and they put it in a plastic bag,” Council member Andrew Aerenson said. “And I brought it home, where I used my regular silverware, and I felt really good about what we just did.”

The town’s environmental programs staff first brought forward a conversation about an ordinance to reduce single-use plastic waste in November. The Town Council unanimously approved a first reading of the ordinance July 26, with several members of the public speaking in favor of it and a few speaking against it.

Courtesy of the Summit Daily News.