Thursday, September 09, 2021

The Rush to Limit Short Term Rentals - Now Summit County is considering it



The Summit Board of County Commissioners next week will consider placing a moratorium on the issuance of new short-term rental licenses in unincorporated parts of the county.

Housing was again the main topic of conversation at the board’s meeting Tuesday, Sept. 7, as officials continue to seek out solutions to address the county’s lack of attainable workforce housing. In time, the county plans to roll out a package of incentives to try to entice short-term rental owners to convert their properties to long-term rentals, part of an ongoing discussion surrounding the “opportunity zone” concept officials have been discussing for the past few months.

As county staff works to iron out the details of what those incentives could look like, and which neighborhoods make the most sense to target, officials say a moratorium on new licenses would give them a chance to breathe and focus on the task ahead.