Sunday, July 19, 2020

Properties maintain their value, as buyers take advantage of record low interest rates

Despite the economic uncertainty surrounding the novel coronavirus, the Summit County real estate market has stayed strong. 
Although April and May showed almost no activity, real estate professionals saw booming business in June. While people thought the pandemic might be an opportunity to snag a less expensive home, the county’s property values have continued to stay at or above pre-pandemic levels. 
There were four fewer real estate sales in June 2020 than there were in June 2019, but the total volume of sales was about $1.5 million higher this year than last year, according to Summit Realtors data.
Average sales price for all types of properties in June 2020 was $758,398, around $33,000 more than the average price in 2019, according to Summit Realtors data.
June Real Estate by the Numbers
Total real estate sales: 134
Total real estate sales in June 2019: 138
Total volume of sales: $101,625,391
Total volume of sales in June 2019: $100,102,553
Number of sales at or above $1 million: 26
Number of sales at or above $1 million in June 2019: 25
Source: Summit Realtors